Although it still may be a few months away, winter always seems to sneak up faster than we’d like it to. If you’re a dog owner, especially a new one, that means you have some preparation to do. Snow, ice and cold temperatures all mean dogs have to be taken care of in more ways than they need during the spring, summer and fall.
If you’re a new dog owner, here are some ways you can prepare for the upcoming winter months:
Buy A Coat
This is one of the more obvious suggestions for those who live in areas where the temperature regularly dips below freezing in the winter. While some dogs, like huskies, may have a natural winter coat, many do not and are not equipped to handle freezing temperatures for long periods of time. They’ll be much more comfortable and safer in a coat.
Keep Them Dry
Walking through the snow with your dog is an unavoidable part of winter in much of the country. Many dogs enjoy the snow and love to roll around and play in it. But when the fun is over, owners should be sure to dry their dogs off, especially the paws and ears. Additionally, it’s wise to check their paws occasionally to ensure that sidewalk salt isn’t cutting them up or causing cracks in their pad.
Keep Them Away from Dangerous Chemicals
Salt may cut up their paw pads when dogs step on it, but it’s even worse when they ingest it. The same goes for chemical deicers that are used to keep sidewalks and car windshields clean during the winter. These contain chemicals that are dangerous for dogs to ingest, essentially making them poison for your pup. Be aware of what your dog is eating outside during the winter.
If you have to board your dog during the winter, you can rest assured that the folks at Silver Streak Kennels know exactly how to take care of them during the winter months. Whether you have to board your dog for just a few days or on a longer basis, we’re the place to go. Call 607-263-2007 to book a spot for your pup.